Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Power of the Tongue

Hello dear readers!

Well it is currently 2:28am, so it seems we have a current theme of my blogs getting wrote later, and later, and later...

But today is my "Friday," so I'm going to okay with this for now.

I've been thinking a lot on the topic of "thankfulness" considering that Thanksgiving is right around the corner... stay tuned for a 'thoughts on thanksgiving' post coming soon.

If you've been following my posts these last few days, you'll know I'm currently wrestling through James.  I don't even feel as though my previous posts have adequately addressed the book and all of my thoughts on it - but a "tid bit" at least gets you thinking.

So here it is, James chapter 3.

The "overall" theme of James 3 seems to be the "tongue" and the power it holds.  I know we don't often think of our tongue having power...but the Bible clearly illustrates something much, much different.

"Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts."

" man can tame the tongue"

I read these and think - "yes, well that makes sense."  Words hurt, yep I get it.
I get to the next verse.  Then the conviction comes....

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.  Out of the same mouth come PRAISE and CURSING."


I just have to pause there for a moment.

So much comes to mind: the angry words I said in my car when a driver cut in front of me, the bitter words I said as I read an unpleasant email from a boss, the comment I said to a friend that was rude without thinking, the way I treated someone to belittle them in order to feel more superior...

And the list continues...

While I've been meditating on that verse I all of a sudden am very aware of what I say, and how I say it.  The worst part is, sometimes it feels like things just keep spewing out - even when I'm consciously trying to watch what I say, and how I say it.  One thing that has come to mind recently is this: sarcasm.

But everyone uses it...right?  So what's the big deal?

Sarcasm may seem innocent, fun, easy... but in reality, I've realized quite recently that by using sarcasm I often cut people down, belittle them, all in what?  Good humor?

Another big thing I am convicted of is this: we curse men, who have been made in GOD'S LIKENESS

So God doesn't give me "approval" to talk badly about others - under any circumstances - no matter what they've done.

I think sometimes I feel as though I deserve to talk badly about another person because they hurt me.  But God makes it clear: they are made in HIS image as much as I am.  The topic of "deserving" something is one I will have to unwind in another post but I do believe we have an issue with the idea that we "deserve" this or are "entitled" to that.

So my prayer is this...

1) That I will be able to carry through the saying "think before you speak."
2) That I may not only be able to tame my tongue and what comes out verbally, but even purify my thoughts.
3) That I understand the true meaning that everyone is made in God's likeness and that hurt doesn't give me a "right" to use words to cut back.

Be blessed!

In Him,



  1. I see that you're heavily into Christianity. I'm interested in your thoughts on this then:
