Tuesday, November 20, 2012

[James 2] - DO stuff. Walk the Talk.

Hello dear readers!

It seems to be a current theme that I'm now up at midnight blogging when it used to be that if I wasn't in bed by 10pm I would feel guilty.  Oh well.

So, I'm still reading James.  Still being highly convicted by this really short book in the Bible.  The power of words never ceases to amaze me.

I'm not going to discuss the entire chapter this time, I'm just going to pull out one thing that stuck with me in chapter 2 and that is this: you have to do stuff.

This theme shows up somewhat in chapter one as well but it becomes clear in chapter 2.

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? (v. 14)

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is DEAD. (v. 17)

...but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (v.  15)

It seems that within the "American" church today people are okay with coming Sunday mornings, listening, and letting it float out the other ear.  And I'm not saying I am guilty of these same things.  But we simply cannot just listen...we must act.  And its not even a suggestion in the Bible.  It clearly says faith by itself is DEAD...d-e-a-d, caputski, gone, nada, nonexistent...

So, you could have ALL the faith in the world.  You could read your Bible every day.  You could pray ever hour.  But without action... what is your faith, really?  I question myself a lot with this - if I believe in a heaven and a hell, a hell where there is real fire and people really suffer, and a heaven more wonderful then my brain can comprehend...then why do I not share my faith more often and with a greater sense of urgency????  This question literally keeps me up some nights.

Notice the last verse... "but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?" ...I read this verse and just stopped.  The next day I was driving in my car and really noticed those people standing on the corners with signs... God, do you mean I should do something about their physical needs?  The answer I received back: yes.  So I found a gas station, bought groceries, and brought them back (after trying to park on an interstate..this is difficult.).  I handed the man four bags of groceries.  He was crying.  I desperately wanted to share more of Jesus with him, but fear kept me from doing so.  So as I handed them to him I said something along the lines of "Jesus loves you! God bless you!  Good bye!"  ... Next time, I know I need to stop...pause... and actually have a conversation.

But the point is this... you can't just believe.  You can't just listen.  You can't just read.  You can't just pray.  You must, must, must act and do as Jesus did. 

Faith + deeds = bingo.

So, what will you do this week?

That is up to you.

Be blessed!

In Him,


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