Thursday, February 3, 2011

Refuse to Simply Hold Your Mitten

I have a pair of mittens due to the fact that Minnesota is comparable to the arctic tundra.  However, I seem to carry these mittens rather then actually wear them.  Its quite odd.  I know its cold, and I fuss over how cold it is often, but yet I won't put on my mittens.  I simply just carry them around with me.  

This got me thinking.  Many of us know the Bible.  Many of us read scripture daily and can probably quote verses at random.  But Bible knowledge without action is much like me holding my gloves -- it ain't doin much good.  Don't get me wrong, its great to read the Bible.  But we need to be able to put those words into practice.  Just knowing the Bible is good, but not good enough.  Believing is good, but not good enough.  

We need to be able to apply the Bible to our everyday life.  How can we not only read the gospel, but live it too?  Its harder said then done folks, I'll tell you that much.  I find my self falling into the trap of "going along with the crowd" quite often.  But I am also constantly asking God to discipline my thoughts, words, and actions.  When I find a "not-so-good-thought" crossing my mind, I repent of it, and tell it that it has no place being in my mind.  In the car ride to and from places I have a chat with God, asking Him to remain in control -and for me to remain humble.  

So I challenge you.  Make the gospel apart of your walk and talk.  Read it.  Live it.  

I hope you enjoyed my short thought of the night. 
More to come soon.  

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