Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We are Human

Today I am reminded of the fact that I am human, and am not invincible.  Heartache was todays cause of this.  At the same time I am reminded that our God loves perfectly and has a plan, and so today, I am again thankful that our God is not human.

When the knowledge of God is rejected, we inherit a state of foolishness and depravity, void of morality and holiness.  This is why sinners can keep on sinnin, because they have rejected the fact that they know Him.  Dreams turn to nightmares when we try and meet valid needs (ex-the need to be loved), in invalid and inappropriate ways (ex-turning to promiscuity).  After a period of time, we start to believe the lies that the enemy whispers in our ear -- that rebellion will set us free.  Take a glance at "Hollywood" or the general media.  Almost consistently the medias message is "you need it now, and you only need you."   God has a different plan.

Someone once put the "enemies attack" plan to me like this.

There once was a girl, with a boa constrictor (do not ask me why, snakes are creepy).  The boa constrictors name is snuggles (this might be useless information).  When snuggles was a baby the girl would let the snake sleep right on her pillow.  The snake seemed so cute, so cuddly, so innocent.  The snake wasn't hurting anyone anyways...right?  Well, the snake got bigger.  No big deal though, the girl just let it sleep at the end of the bed then.  Still wasn't hurting anyone, still seemed innocent.  Then the snake wasn't eating for a few weeks.  The girl was concerned and took her snake into the vet.  The vet asked her a series of questions, then finally asked her about snuggle's recent sleeping patterns.  She replied everything appeared normal...except for the fact that snuggles was stretching out each night more often.  The vet told her that she needed to immediately kill the snake.  The girl was incredibly upset, she couldn't possibly get rid of snuggles.  Then the vet said, well you better, that snake is measuring you....to eat you.

This is much like our sin.  Our sin begins as an "innocent-not-hurting-anyone-sin."  The enemy convinces us that our sin is not a big deal, that we're not really doing anything wrong.  When in fact our sin is causing God pain.  Real pain.  Not some imaginary, up-in-the-clouds fake stuff.  Real pain.  As I'm reading through the gospel of John, I'm noticing that it focuses on the fact that Jesus felt emotion.  He was sad, angry, happy, excited.  As I sit here pondering my heartache right now, I can't help to realize that God feels pain each time I sin.  Each time I have a thought that may not be so good, each time a "white" lie occurs, each time I disobey Him.  I also am reminded of the fact that Jesus knows what I'm going through.  Hes been here, He has done the human thing, I am not alone.  I feel comfort in knowing God has a plan, and His plan is perfect, and His plan...is not my plan.


1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot. I like the comparison. The Lord is always there, He is omnipresent, omnipotent. He knows our sin always, and the path we walk. Good note sam! :)
