Sunday, January 16, 2011

Unless I See the Nail Marks

I'm in calculus two.  Every day I dread going to this course because A) I despise mathematics and B) I don't have a "logic" oriented brain...if that makes sense.  However, as I listened to the lecture this particular Thursday I heard something that made my ears perk up.  My teacher was talking about the concept of "infinity."  He said that in the 1700's (or so) there was a man who expressed a belief in different levels of infinity.  Essentially that one type of infinity was bigger then another.  Everyone thought he was absolutely nuts -- how could it possibly be that one type of infinity was "bigger" then another, much less how could the concept of "infinity" ever be grasped as something tangible?  My math teacher laughed and responded, "its very obvious to us today that this man was correct - infinity doesn't just exist, but there are different levels of it as well."

You may be wondering at this point what my calculus story has to do with anything.  Hang on, I'm getting there.

In John 21:24-31 it talks about how Thomas wanted something tangible to prove that Jesus had indeed risen.  He says, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it."

Both of these stories reminded me of how our world today screams "seeing IS believing."  We're told that everything should be tangible -- touchable, smellable, tasteable, hearable, seeable -- and if its not, well then it must be fake.

I know the images are everywhere.  I know temptation lurks around every bend.  I know this world is hard, trust me.  And I know what its like to want to fit in, to give in.  And I know how hard it is to consistently believe in something you cannot see, cannot touch.

Take a look at the room your in right now.  Now picture you have a piece of string.  Stretch your imaginable string from one end of the room to the other.  Now take your imaginary pencil -- fine point.  Scratch the string just enough to make a mark.  That mark -- is your life.  That string -- is a little piece of what eternity is like in comparison.

We need to believe even though we can't see.  We need to stand up for our faith and not tremble when the enemy comes around.  Because he is truly out there to purely steal, kill, and destroy you.  But we have Jesus Christ on our side.  And folks, in Revelation, the good news is -- Jesus WINS.

This generation needs to take a stand.....

Ran out of time at Caribou.  To Be Continued....


  1. Infinity is a bigger room than that. Haha. Good post.

  2. What if I'm in a real small room haha? Just kidding! I appreciate the post! It puts things into perspective :)
